“For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten Son … (John 3.16).”
Love is more than words. Love must be shown, must be proven in consistent ways. Beginning with Adam and Eve, God showed God’s love for humanity. God never gave up on us. Whenever we messed up, God continually made efforts to redeem and reclaim us. That is a sign of love. Paul said, “Love never fails (1 Corinthians 13.8).”
The Christmas story is a prime example of God’s love. God showed us love by giving Jesus. When humanity thought God had abandoned all efforts to save and redeem, God broke through silence and Mary brought forth her firstborn son and named him Jesus because he would save his people from their sins (Matthew 1.21).
Because God gave, groups of people came to see the gift given to humanity. The angels testified to the gift God gave. The shepherds were told by the angels of the child born. They rushed to see what God had done. The wise men saw a star and knew it signaled something amazing had happened. They left the comfort of their homes and traveled until the star led them to Bethlehem. They brought gifts to the newborn king.
Christmas beckons that followers of Jesus respond to the gift God has given. It’s mundane to go through the same routine every year of reading the Christmas story from the Scriptures, singing Christmas carols, giving and receiving gifts, eating more than we need, putting up and taking down decorations.
Christmas requires that we clearly see what God did in Bethlehem. Through Mary and Joseph, “God so loved the world He gave His only begotten Son.” God gave! Christmas means love. God consistently shows God’s love for us. Let us show our love for God in meaningful ways by loving each other. A Blessed and Merry Christmas to everyone!