This year was filled with harsh realities. The November election reaffirmed that America has not adequately confronted its racist and misogyny (sexist) tendencies. Birmingham saw over 138 homicides because of gun violence, including the murder of Eric Savoy Brown, who was gunned down on the front lawn of our church property.
In Smithfield, we saw many houses, and the Brunetta Hill Elementary School, destroyed by fire. The fires were probably at the hand of an arsonist. Two of the houses are located across the street from the church. Until demolished, those houses and school remain eyesores.
In a couple of days, we will join the world by counting down the minutes and saying goodbye to 2024. Many of us may look forward to getting rid of what was a challenging year. We saw a lot of unbelievable things happen. We may get to 11:59 p.m. on December 31, and declare loudly, whew!
Yet, as soon as we cross into the New Year of 2025, the problems of yesteryear will follow us. They will not magically disappear. They will not quickly resolve themselves. We will have to work to solve the problems. One way that we can work to solve those problems was available for us in 2024 and will be in 2025. We can work to transform the hearts of humanity to reflect the ways of Christ.
I am convinced the Church of Christ can be used in critical ways to address the problems of the world. The Church of Christ is in a prime position because we are not beholden to the institutions of the world. We should not be answering to the governments of the world. We should not be cow-towing to any institution. We should speak prophetically to challenges, knowing we represent God. As the prophets of the Old Testament, we declare what the Lord wants us to share. We speak for God, hoping people will listen and change their ways of living.
As we count down the old and welcome the new, let us march into 2025 with a new determination to make the New Year different and better than 2024. Trusting the Lord to guide us, being completely vested in God’s will, we can make it happen.