It’s difficult to prepare for the unexpected. Although we now know there were warning signs of a terrorist threat on 9/11, we were not prepared for the events of that day. Two planes flew into the Twin Towers. Another plane flew into the Pentagon. Passengers onboard the hijacked United Flight 93 seized control of their destiny and the plane crashed in a field in Stonycreek Township, Pennsylvania. On that dreadful day, 2,977 people died because terrorists wanted to display their hatred for the United States of America. We were not prepared for that unexpected event.
President John F. Kennedy, accompanied by his wife, Jackie, traveled to Dallas, Texas, for an event on November 22, 1963. As they rode through the streets in an opened car, no one expected a gunman to assassinate the president. Yet, President Kennedy was killed.
On April 3, 1968, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. preached about going to the mountaintop. King knew he would not get to the “promised land” with us. Weariness was obvious on his face. However, we did not expect that he would be gunned down the next day, April 4, 1968.
Jesus warned His followers of His impending crucifixion. On that Good Friday years ago, they were not prepared for what they witnessed as Jesus was hanging on a cross. His death by crucifixion was gruesome. On that day, Jesus died because those in power wanted to display their hatred for Jesus, who preached love and peace.
Key unexpected events of the past serve as warnings of what can happen. We cannot always calculate what will happen. We cannot always be prepared for what will happen. We pray that wisdom dictates that we will learn from past events and pray that they will not happen again.
Understanding the human condition, we pray, Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.